Delphi’s holy source of knowledge!

  • Creating Components at Runtime in Delphi: A Comprehensive Guide

    Creating components at runtime in Delphi can be a powerful technique for building dynamic and responsive applications. This article provides a detailed guide on how to create components like TButton, TComboBox, and TTimer at runtime. We’ll cover the essential steps and include practical examples to help you master this skill. Why Create Components at Runtime?…

  • Checks if a specified character exists in a given string in Delphi

    function CharExistsInString(const AString: string; AChar: Char): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result := False; for i := 1 to Length(AString) do begin if AString[i] = AChar then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; end; This function takes two parameters: AString, which is the string to search within, and AChar, which is the character to…

  • Exploring Inline ASM in Delphi: A Comprehensive Guide

    Delphi, being a high-level language, provides powerful capabilities for software development. However, sometimes there arises a need for low-level optimization or interfacing with hardware, which cannot be achieved purely through high-level constructs. This is where inline assembly language (ASM) comes into play. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of inline ASM in Delphi,…

  • Database Connection in Delphi: A Comprehensive Guide

    Delphi, known for its robust development environment, offers powerful tools for database connectivity. Whether you’re working with local databases like Paradox or dBASE, or more modern systems like Microsoft SQL Server or MySQL, Delphi provides easy-to-use components for establishing and managing database connections. In this article, we’ll explore the intricacies of database connection in Delphi,…

  • Understanding PCHAR in Delphi: A Comprehensive Guide

    Delphi, with its roots tracing back to the Pascal language, offers powerful string handling capabilities. One fundamental type that plays a crucial role in string manipulation is `PCHAR`. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of `PCHAR` in Delphi, exploring its definition, usage, and examples. What is PCHAR? `PCHAR` is a pointer to a…

  • Calculate collision of quadroangles in Delphi

    Calculating collisions between two quadrilaterals (quadroangles) can be complex, as it involves checking for intersections and overlaps between their edges. One common approach is to use the Separating Axis Theorem (SAT), which checks whether there exists a separating axis between the two shapes. Below is a simple example of how you might implement basic collision…

  • Read bytes from TCP socket in Delphi

    To read bytes from a TCP socket in Delphi, you can use various components or libraries that provide TCP/IP functionality. One of the commonly used components is the TTCPBlockSocket from the Synapse library. Below is a basic example of reading bytes from a TCP socket using Synapse: Download Synapse: Download the Synapse library from its…

  • Connect MQTT in Delphi?

    Delphi does not have a standard MQTT library included with the IDE, and the availability of third-party libraries can vary. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there might be changes or new libraries developed after that time. If you are having difficulty finding an MQTT library for Delphi, consider using the Synapse…

  • Change header information of any file in Delphi

    To change the header information of a file in Delphi, you typically need to read the contents of the file, modify the header, and then save the modified contents back to the file. The exact process depends on the file format and the specific information you want to change in the header. Here’s a general…

  • Animate sprite in Delphi

    Animating a sprite in Delphi can be achieved using a timer to change the displayed frame or position of the sprite at regular intervals. Below is a basic example demonstrating how to animate a sprite using Delphi’s TImage component and a TTimer. In this example, I’ll use a TPngImageList for simplicity. Make sure to include…