Creating random passwords with given lenght in Delphi

To create a function for generating random passwords in Delphi, you can use the following steps:

  1. Start by creating a function that takes an integer parameter for the password length. This will allow you to specify the length of the password when you call the function.
  2. Initialize a string variable to store the password as it is being generated.
  3. Use a for loop to iterate over the range of the password length. For each iteration of the loop, you will add a random character to the password string.
  4. To generate a random character, you can use the Random function and the Ord function. The Random function returns a random integer in a given range, and the Ord function converts a character to its ASCII code. You can use these functions together to generate a random ASCII code and then convert it back to a character using the Chr function.
  5. You can also use the RandomRange function to generate a random integer in a given range, and then use the Chr function to convert it to a character.
  6. After the for loop has completed, return the password string as the result of the function.

Here is an example of how you could implement this function in Delphi:

This function will generate a random password of the specified length using lowercase letters. You can modify the function to use different characters or a different range of ASCII codes to generate passwords with different character sets.






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