How can I use System.IniFiles in Delphi

The System.IniFiles unit in Delphi provides classes for reading and writing INI files. INI files are plain text files that store configuration information in a simple key-value format.

Here is an example of how you can use the TMemIniFile class from the System.IniFiles unit to read and write values to an INI file

In this example, we are using the TMemIniFile class to read and write values to an INI file named config.ini.

To read a value from the INI file, we use the ReadString method and specify the section and key of the value we want to read. If the specified key does not exist, the ReadString method will return the default value specified as the third argument.

To write a value to the INI file, we use the WriteString method and specify the section, key, and value that we want to write. We then call the UpdateFile method to save the changes to the INI file.





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