How can I monitor CPU and ram usage in Delphi?

There are several ways to monitor CPU and RAM usage in Delphi, one of the most common ways is to use the Windows Management Interface (WMI) to retrieve information about the system’s performance.

Here is an example of how to use WMI in Delphi to monitor CPU and RAM usage:

  1. Declare the IWbemServices and IWbemLocator interfaces in the implementation section of your unit:

  1. Initialize the WbemLocator and WbemServices objects in the form’s OnCreate event:

    This connects to the local WMI namespace (indicated by the ‘.’) and the ‘root\CIMV2’ namespace, which is the default namespace for performance counters on Windows.
  2. Use the ExecQuery method of the WbemServices object to query for the CPU and RAM usage:

  3. Use the GetCPUUsage and GetRAMUsage functions to retrieve the current CPU and RAM usage:

    In this example, we are displaying the usage as a percentage for CPU and in MegaBytes for RAM
  4.  To update the usage regularly, you can use a timer to call the UpdateUsage method at a certain interval.

    This will update the usage every 1000ms (1s).
  5. Make sure to release the resources when you are done using the WMI:


    It is important to note that this is just an example of how to use WMI in Delphi to monitor CPU and RAM usage, and it could be improved with error checking and handling, and also there are other ways to monitor the system performance like using the GetPerformanceInfo function in the Windows API, or by reading the values of certain performance counters directly.





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