Create TTimer on run time in Delphi

To create a TTimer at runtime in Delphi, you can use the following steps:

  1. Create a Form:

    Create a new VCL Forms Application in Delphi.

  2. Add a Button and a Timer:

    Drop a TButton and a TTimer component onto the form from the Tool Palette.

  3. Add Code to Create TTimer Dynamically:

    Add code to the form’s unit to create a TTimer dynamically when the button is clicked.

    In this example, clicking Button1 dynamically creates a TTimer with a specified interval and assigns an event handler (TimerOnTimer) to the OnTimer event. The TimerOnTimer procedure shows a message when the timer fires.

    Remember to adjust the code based on your specific requirements, including setting the desired interval and implementing your own logic in the OnTimer event handler.






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