Animate sprite in Delphi

Animating a sprite in Delphi can be achieved using a timer to change the displayed frame or position of the sprite at regular intervals. Below is a basic example demonstrating how to animate a sprite using Delphi’s TImage component and a TTimer. In this example, I’ll use a TPngImageList for simplicity. Make sure to include the Vcl.Imaging.pngimage unit in your uses clause.

  1. Create a New Delphi VCL Project: Open Delphi, create a new VCL Forms Application, and drop a TImage component onto the form.
  2. Add a Timer: Drop a TTimer component onto the form.
  3. Prepare Sprite Frames: Load a sprite sheet containing multiple frames into a TPngImageList. Each frame represents a different state of the sprite animation.
  4. Write Animation Code: Write code to change the displayed frame of the sprite at regular intervals.

Here’s an example code snippet:

In this example:

  • The SpriteFrames variable holds a collection of PNG images representing different frames of the sprite animation.
  • The Timer1Timer event is triggered at regular intervals, updating the displayed frame of the sprite.
  • Make sure to replace 'SPRITE_FRAMES' with the actual resource name containing your sprite frames.

Note: This example assumes that you have a PNG image list containing sprite frames. If you don’t have a PNG image list, you can manually load individual PNG images or use other image formats based on your requirements.




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