Calculating distance of two planets in delphi

To create a function for calculating the distance between two planets in Delphi, you will need to consider a few different factors:

  1. You will need to know the positions of the two planets in 3D space. This can be represented by their coordinates (x, y, and z) in some reference frame.
  2. You will need to know the units in which the coordinates are expressed. For example, the coordinates could be in meters, kilometers, or some other unit of length.
  3. You will need to decide on a distance metric to use. One option is the Euclidean distance, which is the straight-line distance between two points in 3D space.

With these factors in mind, you can create a function that calculates the distance between two planets using the following steps:

  1. Start by creating a function that takes six parameters: three for the coordinates of the first planet (x1, y1, and z1) and three for the coordinates of the second planet (x2, y2, and z2).
  2. Calculate the distance between the two planets using the Euclidean distance formula:

    1. Return the distance as the result of the function.

    Here is an example of how you could implement this function in Delphi:

    This function takes the coordinates of the two planets as parameters and returns the distance between them as a double-precision floating-point value. To use this function, you can call it and pass in the coordinates of the two planets, like this:

    The resulting distance variable will contain the distance between the two planets.





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