Category: Delphi Game Development

  • Calculate collision of quadroangles in Delphi

    Calculating collisions between two quadrilaterals (quadroangles) can be complex, as it involves checking for intersections and overlaps between their edges. One common approach is to use the Separating Axis Theorem (SAT), which checks whether there exists a separating axis between the two shapes. Below is a simple example of how you might implement basic collision…

  • Animate sprite in Delphi

    Animating a sprite in Delphi can be achieved using a timer to change the displayed frame or position of the sprite at regular intervals. Below is a basic example demonstrating how to animate a sprite using Delphi’s TImage component and a TTimer. In this example, I’ll use a TPngImageList for simplicity. Make sure to include…

  • How can I use TBitmapAnimation in Delphi?

    TBitmapAnimation is a component that can be used to animate a sequence of bitmap images in Delphi. Here is an example of how to use TBitmapAnimation: First, you need to add the TBitmapAnimation component to the component palette of your Delphi IDE. Next, you can drop the TBitmapAnimation component onto your form. You can then…

  • How can I make photo effect in Delphi FMX?

    There are several ways to add photo effects to images in Delphi FMX. Here are a few options: Using the FMX.Filter.Effects unit: The FMX.Filter.Effects unit provides a set of predefined image filters that you can use to apply various effects to images. You can use the TFilter component to apply these effects to an image.…

  • How can I use OpenGL in Delphi

    To use OpenGL in Delphi, you will need to have the OpenGL libraries installed on your system. You can then use the OpenGL unit (part of the standard Delphi library) to access the OpenGL functions in your Delphi code. Here is an example of how to use OpenGL in Delphi to draw a simple triangle:…

  • How can I make multi-language software in Delphi

    To create a multi-language software in Delphi FMX (FireMonkey), you can use the built-in support for localization. Localization allows you to create different versions of your software for different languages and cultures, without having to maintain separate code bases for each version. Here are the steps to create a multi-language software in Delphi FMX: Set…

  • How do i make mobile game in Delphi

    To create a mobile game in Delphi, you will need to use the FireMonkey framework, which is included with recent versions of Delphi. FireMonkey is a cross-platform framework for building mobile and desktop applications, and includes a number of components and tools for creating games. Here are the basic steps you can follow to create…

  • How do I make sprite engine with TRectangle in Delphi FMX

    In Delphi FMX, you can create a sprite engine using TRectangle components to display and animate two-dimensional graphics (sprites). To do this, you will need to define a custom component derived from TRectangle to represent each sprite, and then implement the necessary logic to manage and animate the sprites. Here is a general outline of…

  • How do I make an isometric game map in Delphi

    An isometric game map is a two-dimensional game map that is displayed in an isometric projection, which is a type of graphical projection that simulates a 3D environment on a 2D surface. To create an isometric game map in Delphi, you will need to create a data structure to represent the map, and then implement…

  • Isometric map in Delphi FMX

    To create an isometric map in Delphi FMX, you will need to use the appropriate graphical techniques and APIs provided by the framework. This will involve transforming and rendering the map’s elements in an isometric projection, and handling user input and interaction with the map. Here is an example of how you might approach creating…