Category: Delphi General

  • How can I use TBitmapAnimation in Delphi?

    TBitmapAnimation is a component that can be used to animate a sequence of bitmap images in Delphi. Here is an example of how to use TBitmapAnimation: First, you need to add the TBitmapAnimation component to the component palette of your Delphi IDE. Next, you can drop the TBitmapAnimation component onto your form. You can then…

  • How can I make photo effect in Delphi FMX?

    There are several ways to add photo effects to images in Delphi FMX. Here are a few options: Using the FMX.Filter.Effects unit: The FMX.Filter.Effects unit provides a set of predefined image filters that you can use to apply various effects to images. You can use the TFilter component to apply these effects to an image.…

  • How can I load PDF in Delphi?

    There are several ways to load PDF files in Delphi, here are a few options: Using the Adobe Acrobat ActiveX Control (AxAcroPDF): You can use the Adobe Acrobat ActiveX Control (AxAcroPDF) to load and display PDF files in your Delphi application. You can add the control to your form, set the src property to the…

  • How can I monitor CPU and ram usage in Delphi?

    There are several ways to monitor CPU and RAM usage in Delphi, one of the most common ways is to use the Windows Management Interface (WMI) to retrieve information about the system’s performance. Here is an example of how to use WMI in Delphi to monitor CPU and RAM usage: Declare the IWbemServices and IWbemLocator…

  • How can i listen shell change in Delphi?

    In Delphi, you can use the Windows Shell API to receive notifications of shell changes such as file creation, deletion, and modification. Here is an example of how to use the Shell API to receive shell change notifications in Delphi: Add the ShlObj, ActiveX, and ComObj units to your uses clause. Create a form with…

  • How can i receive notifications of registery changes in Delphi?

    In Delphi, you can use the Windows API function RegNotifyChangeKeyValue to receive notifications of changes to a specified registry key. Here is an example of how to use this function in Delphi: Declare the function in the implementation section of your unit: function RegNotifyChangeKeyValue(hKey: HKEY; bWatchSubtree: BOOL; dwNotifyFilter: DWORD; hEvent: THandle; fAsynchronous: BOOL): Longint; stdcall;…

  • How can i remove my application on startup in registery?

    To remove the application from the Windows registry, you can use the TRegistry class in Delphi and delete the key that you created earlier. Here are the steps in detail: In your Delphi project, add the “Registry” unit to the uses clause of your main form’s unit. In the FormClose event of your main form,…

  • How can i add my applicaion on computer start up in Delphi

    In Delphi, you can add your application to startup in several ways. One way is to create a Windows shortcut to your application and then add that shortcut to the Startup folder in the Start menu. Here are the steps in detail: Locate the executable file of your Delphi application. This is typically located in…

  • How can I use dropbox rest api in Delphi

    To use the Dropbox REST API in Delphi, you will need to do the following: Obtain an access token: In order to use the Dropbox REST API, you will need to obtain an access token by creating a Dropbox API app and obtaining the necessary permissions from the user. Install the Delphi REST Client Components:…

  • How can i get Internet connected state in Delphi

    To check the Internet connection state in Delphi, you can use the TIdHTTP component from the Indy library. This component provides a Head method that allows you to send an HTTP HEAD request to a specified URL. You can use this method to check the connection to a known website, such as ““. Here is…