Category: Delphi General
How can I use paypal api in Delphi
To use the PayPal API in Delphi, you will need to obtain API credentials from PayPal and install the PayPal API SDK for Delphi. To obtain API credentials, follow these steps: Log in to your PayPal account and go to the Developer Portal. Click on the “My Apps & Credentials” tab in the top menu.…
How can I use PushWoosh API in Delphi
To use the PushWoosh API in Delphi, you will need to use an HTTP client library to send HTTP requests to the PushWoosh API and parse the responses. Here is an example of how you can use the Indy (Internet Direct) library to send a request to the PushWoosh API to create a new message:…
How can I use Stripe API in Delphi
To use the Stripe API in Delphi, you will need to use an HTTP client library to send HTTP requests to the Stripe API and parse the responses. Here is an example of how you can use the Indy (Internet Direct) library to send a request to the Stripe API to create a new customer:…
How can I use memory allocation in Delphi
In Delphi, you can use several different techniques to allocate memory for your programs. Here are a few examples: Allocating memory using the GetMem function: The GetMem function is used to allocate a block of memory of a specified size. You can then use the memory block to store data or to create an object.…
How can I use OpenGL in Delphi
To use OpenGL in Delphi, you will need to have the OpenGL libraries installed on your system. You can then use the OpenGL unit (part of the standard Delphi library) to access the OpenGL functions in your Delphi code. Here is an example of how to use OpenGL in Delphi to draw a simple triangle:…
How can I parse a string in text in Delphi
To parse a string in Delphi, you can use one of the string manipulation functions provided by the language. Here are a few examples of how you can parse a string: Extracting a substring: You can use the Copy function to extract a specific portion of a string. For example: var FullString: string; SubString: string;…
How can I use VirtualTreeView in Delphi
VirtualTreeView is a component for Delphi that allows you to create highly customizable tree-like structures for displaying hierarchical data. It is optimized for large datasets and provides various features such as sorting, filtering, and searching. To use VirtualTreeView in Delphi, you will need to install the component from the Embarcadero GetIt Package Manager or by…
How can I send key in Delphi
To send a key press in Delphi, you can use the Windows API function SendInput. SendInput allows you to simulate input events, including key press and release events, in the operating system. Here is an example of how you can use SendInput to send a key press in Delphi: uses Windows; procedure SendKeyPress(Key: Word); var…
How can I make multi-language software in Delphi
To create a multi-language software in Delphi FMX (FireMonkey), you can use the built-in support for localization. Localization allows you to create different versions of your software for different languages and cultures, without having to maintain separate code bases for each version. Here are the steps to create a multi-language software in Delphi FMX: Set…
How can I use Horse webframework in Delphi
Horse is a web framework for the Pascal programming language, including Delphi. It allows you to build web applications using a simple, expressive syntax that is similar to Sinatra in Ruby or Flask in Python. To use Horse in Delphi, you will need to install the Horse package from the command line using the Delphi…