Category: Delphi Mobile

  • Animate sprite in Delphi

    Animating a sprite in Delphi can be achieved using a timer to change the displayed frame or position of the sprite at regular intervals. Below is a basic example demonstrating how to animate a sprite using Delphi’s TImage component and a TTimer. In this example, I’ll use a TPngImageList for simplicity. Make sure to include…

  • How can I use TOrientationSensor in Delphi?

    TOrientationSensor is a component in the FireMonkey library in Delphi that allows you to detect and respond to changes in device orientation. It is similar to the TMotionSensor component, but it is specifically designed for handling orientation changes. To use the TOrientationSensor component in Delphi, you will first need to add the FMX.Sensors unit to…

  • How can I use TMotionSensor in Delphi?

    TMotionSensor is a component in the FireMonkey library in Delphi that allows you to detect and respond to changes in device orientation and movement. To use it in your Delphi application, you will first need to add the FMX.Sensors unit to your uses clause. Then, you can drop a TMotionSensor component onto your form and…

  • How can I use TLocationSensor in Delphi?

    TLocationSensor is a built-in component in Delphi that allows you to access the location information of a device. The TLocationSensor component is part of the FireMonkey framework and is available starting with Delphi XE7. To use TLocationSensor in Delphi, you can follow these steps: Place a TLocationSensor component on your form, either from the component…

  • How can I use paypal api in Delphi

    To use the PayPal API in Delphi, you will need to obtain API credentials from PayPal and install the PayPal API SDK for Delphi. To obtain API credentials, follow these steps: Log in to your PayPal account and go to the Developer Portal. Click on the “My Apps & Credentials” tab in the top menu.…

  • How can I use PushWoosh API in Delphi

    To use the PushWoosh API in Delphi, you will need to use an HTTP client library to send HTTP requests to the PushWoosh API and parse the responses. Here is an example of how you can use the Indy (Internet Direct) library to send a request to the PushWoosh API to create a new message:…

  • How can I use Stripe API in Delphi

    To use the Stripe API in Delphi, you will need to use an HTTP client library to send HTTP requests to the Stripe API and parse the responses. Here is an example of how you can use the Indy (Internet Direct) library to send a request to the Stripe API to create a new customer:…

  • How can I parse a string in text in Delphi

    To parse a string in Delphi, you can use one of the string manipulation functions provided by the language. Here are a few examples of how you can parse a string: Extracting a substring: You can use the Copy function to extract a specific portion of a string. For example: var FullString: string; SubString: string;…

  • How can I make multi-language software in Delphi

    To create a multi-language software in Delphi FMX (FireMonkey), you can use the built-in support for localization. Localization allows you to create different versions of your software for different languages and cultures, without having to maintain separate code bases for each version. Here are the steps to create a multi-language software in Delphi FMX: Set…

  • How can I move a TModel3D to another TModel3D in Delphi FMX

    To move a TModel3D component to another TModel3D component in Delphi FMX, you can use the Position and RotationAngle properties of the TControl3D class, which is the base class for TModel3D. Here’s an example of how you can use these properties to move a model to a specific location relative to another model; Model1.Position.X =…