Change header information of any file in Delphi

To change the header information of a file in Delphi, you typically need to read the contents of the file, modify the header, and then save the modified contents back to the file. The exact process depends on the file format and the specific information you want to change in the header.

Here’s a general example of how you might modify the header information of a text file in Delphi. This example assumes a simple text file with a header at the beginning:

You can use this ModifyFileHeader procedure by passing the filename and the new header information:

Please note that this is a simple example, and the actual approach would depend on the file format and the structure of the header you’re dealing with. For more complex file formats, you may need to use specific libraries or tools designed for handling those formats. Always make sure to back up your files before making any modifications, especially if you are working with binary files or file formats that you are not familiar with.






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