Connect MQTT in Delphi?

Delphi does not have a standard MQTT library included with the IDE, and the availability of third-party libraries can vary. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there might be changes or new libraries developed after that time.

If you are having difficulty finding an MQTT library for Delphi, consider using the Synapse library, which is a general-purpose TCP/IP library that includes support for MQTT.

Here’s a basic example using Synapse for MQTT communication:

  1. Download Synapse: Download the Synapse library from its official repository on GitHub:
  2. Add Synapse to Your Project:
    • Extract the Synapse archive.
    • Add the necessary Synapse units to your Delphi project.
  3. Use Synapse for MQTT: Below is a simple example of using Synapse to connect to an MQTT broker and subscribe to a topic:

    Please note that this example is a basic illustration using Synapse for MQTT communication. For a more complete and production-ready solution, you may want to consider a more feature-rich MQTT library if available.

    Always check the documentation of the libraries you use and ensure compatibility with your Delphi version. Additionally, consider checking for more recent MQTT libraries or updates to existing ones.







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