Creating Components at Runtime in Delphi: A Comprehensive Guide

Creating components at runtime in Delphi can be a powerful technique for building dynamic and responsive applications. This article provides a detailed guide on how to create components like TButton, TComboBox, and TTimer at runtime. We’ll cover the essential steps and include practical examples to help you master this skill.

Why Create Components at Runtime?

Creating components at runtime offers several advantages:

  1. Dynamic Interfaces: Customize the user interface based on user preferences or data retrieved at runtime.
  2. Memory Management: Efficiently manage memory by creating components only when needed.
  3. Reusability: Create reusable functions or procedures to generate components dynamically across different forms or projects.

Basic Steps for Creating Components at Runtime

To create a component at runtime in Delphi, follow these basic steps:

  1. Declare a variable for the component.
  2. Instantiate the component using the Create method.
  3. Set properties such as Parent, Caption, Top, Left, etc.
  4. Assign event handlers if needed.
  5. Free the component when it is no longer needed to prevent memory leaks.

Let’s explore these steps with examples for TButton, TComboBox, and TTimer.

Example 1: Creating a TButton at Runtime

Creating a button at runtime is straightforward. Here’s an example:


In this example:

  • A TButton component is created and configured with properties like Caption, Left, Top, Width, and Height.
  • The OnClick event is assigned to a handler (ButtonClick).

Example 2: Creating a TComboBox at Runtime

Creating a TComboBox at runtime is similar:


In this example:

  • A TComboBox component is created and populated with items.
  • The OnChange event is assigned to a handler (ComboBoxChange).

Example 3: Creating a TTimer at Runtime

Creating a TTimer component at runtime involves setting up its interval and enabling it:


In this example:

  • A TTimer component is created and set to tick every second.
  • The OnTimer event is assigned to a handler (TimerTick).

Memory Management

It’s crucial to manage memory effectively when creating components at runtime. In most cases, components created with the form as their owner (TButton.Create(Self)) will be freed automatically when the form is destroyed. However, if you manually create and manage components without an owner, ensure you free them properly:



Creating components at runtime in Delphi allows for dynamic and flexible user interfaces. By following the steps and examples provided, you can create, configure, and manage components such as TButton, TComboBox, and TTimer effectively. Remember to handle memory management carefully to avoid leaks and ensure optimal performance.

With this knowledge, you can build more interactive and responsive Delphi applications, adapting to user needs and runtime data seamlessly.





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