Database Connection in Delphi: A Comprehensive Guide

Delphi, known for its robust development environment, offers powerful tools for database connectivity. Whether you’re working with local databases like Paradox or dBASE, or more modern systems like Microsoft SQL Server or MySQL, Delphi provides easy-to-use components for establishing and managing database connections. In this article, we’ll explore the intricacies of database connection in Delphi, covering various aspects including connection setup, executing SQL queries, and working with stored procedures.

Establishing Database Connection

Delphi provides several components for establishing database connections, with the most common being the TDatabase and TTable components. However, for more flexibility and better performance, TADOConnection and TADOQuery components are often preferred, especially when working with modern databases like Microsoft SQL Server.

Using TADOConnection

To connect to a database using TADOConnection, follow these steps:

  1. Place a TADOConnection component on your form.
  2. Set the ConnectionString property to specify the connection details, such as the provider, server, database name, and authentication credentials.
  3. Set the Connected property to True to establish the connection.


Executing SQL Queries

Once the database connection is established, you can execute SQL queries using the TADOQuery component. This component allows you to execute SQL statements like SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE.


To execute a SELECT query and retrieve data from the database, follow these steps:

  1. Place a TADOQuery component on your form.
  2. Set the Connection property to the TADOConnection component you created earlier.
  3. Set the SQL property to the SELECT query.
  4. Call the Open method to execute the query and retrieve the data.


To execute an INSERT query and add data to the database, follow these steps:


To execute a DELETE query and remove data from the database, follow these steps:


To execute an UPDATE query and modify data in the database, follow these steps:


Working with Stored Procedures

Delphi also provides support for executing stored procedures using the TADOStoredProc component. Stored procedures offer a way to encapsulate and execute complex SQL logic on the server side.

Calling a Stored Procedure

To call a stored procedure using TADOStoredProc, follow these steps:

  1. Place a TADOStoredProc component on your form.
  2. Set the Connection property to the TADOConnection component.
  3. Set the ProcedureName property to the name of the stored procedure.
  4. Optionally, set parameters if the stored procedure requires input.
  5. Call the ExecProc method to execute the stored procedure.


Database connectivity is a crucial aspect of software development, and Delphi provides powerful tools for establishing and managing database connections. By utilizing components like TADOConnection, TADOQuery, and TADOStoredProc, you can easily connect to databases, execute SQL queries, and work with stored procedures in your Delphi applications.

Whether you’re querying data, inserting records, updating information, or executing stored procedures, Delphi’s database components offer a simple yet effective way to interact with various database systems. With proper usage and understanding of these components, you can build robust and efficient database-driven applications in Delphi.





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