How can I draw text in screen in Delphi?

In Delphi, you can draw text on the screen using the Canvas property of a visual control, such as a form or a custom-painted control. The Canvas property provides methods for drawing various shapes, including text.

Here’s a simple example of how to draw text on a form in Delphi:

In this example:

  • The FormPaint event is triggered whenever the form needs to be repainted.
  • Inside the FormPaint event, you set the text you want to draw and configure font properties and colors as needed.
  • The Canvas.FillText method is used to draw the text on the form. You provide the rectangle where the text should be drawn, the text itself, and additional formatting options.

Adjust the coordinates, font properties, and colors according to your requirements. You can also use this approach in other types of visual controls, such as custom-painted controls or panels.






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