How can I load PDF in Delphi?

There are several ways to load PDF files in Delphi, here are a few options:

  1. Using the Adobe Acrobat ActiveX Control (AxAcroPDF): You can use the Adobe Acrobat ActiveX Control (AxAcroPDF) to load and display PDF files in your Delphi application. You can add the control to your form, set the src property to the path of the PDF file, and then call the LoadFile method to load the file.


  1. Using the PDFium library: You can use the PDFium library, an open-source PDF rendering engine, to load and display PDF files in your Delphi application. You need to download the library, include it in your project, and use the functions provided by the library to load and display the PDF files.
  2. Using a Third-Party Component: There are some third-party components available for Delphi, such as PDF Viewer component by Gnostice, that you can use to load and display PDF files in your application. These components provide a more user-friendly and feature-rich interface for displaying PDF files, and you can use them to add additional functionality such as searching, printing, and zooming.
  3. Using a web-browser component: You can also use a web-browser component, such as TWebBrowser, to load and display PDF files in your Delphi application. You can set the Navigate method of the component to the URL or file path of the PDF file.

It’s important to note that each of these options have their own advantages and disadvantages, and you should choose the one that best fits your needs.






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