How can I make a database application with UNIDAC in Delphi

To create a database application with UNIDAC (Universal Data Access Components) in Delphi, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install UNIDAC on your development machine. You can download the latest version of UNIDAC from the Devart website (
  2. Add the UNIDAC components to the Delphi component palette. To do this, select “Component | Install Packages” from the Delphi menu, and then add the UniDAC package to the list of installed packages.
  3. Connect to the database using a TUniConnection component. To do this, drop a TUniConnection component onto the form and set its Server and Database properties to the server and database that you want to connect to. You can also set the Username and Password properties if the database requires authentication.
  4. Execute SQL queries or stored procedures using a TUniQuery component. To do this, drop a TUniQuery component onto the form and set its Connection property to the TUniConnection component that you created in step 3. You can then set the SQL property to the SQL query or stored procedure that you want to execute, and call the Open method to execute the query.
  5. Display the query results in a TDBGrid component. To do this, drop a TDBGrid component onto the form and set its DataSource property to the TUniQuery component that you created in step 4. The grid will then display the results of the query.
  6. Edit the data using TDBEdit and related components. You can use TDBEdit and other data-aware components to allow the user to edit the data in the database.

By following these steps, you can create a database application with UNIDAC in Delphi. UNIDAC provides a comprehensive set of components for accessing a wide variety of databases, including MySQL, Oracle, Oracle, Oracle, Oracle, and more.

Here is an example of a database application with UNIDAC in Delphi:

This example defines a form with a TUniConnection component for connecting to the database, a TMySQLUniProvider component for accessing a MySQL database, a TUniQuery component for executing SQL queries, and a TDBGrid component for displaying the query results. It also includes a TDBEdit component and a TDBNavigator component for editing the data.

In the FormCreate event handler, the code connects to the database using the TUniConnection component, executes a SQL query using the TUniQuery component, and displays the query results in the TDBGrid component. It also sets the data source for the TDBEdit component, allowing the user to edit the data.

By using UNIDAC, you can easily create database applications in Delphi that can access a wide variety of databases.





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