How can I send email in Delphi

To send an email in Delphi, you can use the IdSMTP component from the Internet Direct (Indy) library. Indy is a third-party library for Delphi that provides support for client and server communications over various Internet protocols, including SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), which is used to send email.

Here is an example of how to use the IdSMTP component to send an email in Delphi:

In this example, the TIdSMTP component is used to connect to an SMTP server and send an email using the Send method. The TIdMessage component is used to create the email message, and the TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL component is used to enable SSLTLS for secure communication.

To use the IdSMTP component, you will need to add the IdSMTP, IdMessage, IdExplicitTLSClientServerBase, IdSSL, and IdSSLOpenSSL units to the uses clause of your Delphi code. You will also need to have the Indy library installed on your system.

Note that this example uses Gmail as the SMTP server, but you can use any other SMTP server by setting the Host and Port properties appropriately. You may also need to authenticate with the SMTP server using a username and password by setting the Username and Password properties of the TIdSMTP component.


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