How can I use mouse events in Delphi?

In Delphi, you can use the mouse events to respond to user interaction with the mouse. Here are the steps to use mouse events in Delphi:

  1. First, you need to select the component that you want to respond to the mouse events on the form designer.
  2. Next, you can go to the Object Inspector and find the “Events” tab.
  3. You will see a list of available events for the selected component, you can find the mouse events by searching for “OnMouse” events. For example, the OnMouseDown, OnMouseMove, OnMouseUp, OnMouseEnter, OnMouseLeave.
  4. You can double-click on the event in the Object Inspector, and the IDE will create an empty event handler for that event in your code.


  1. You can then add your code to the event handler to respond to the mouse event. For example, you can change the color of the button when it’s clicked, or you can show a message when the mouse enters the button.

  1. You can use the properties of the event parameters to get more information about the mouse event. For example, you can use the Button parameter of the OnMouseDown event to determine which mouse button was pressed, you can use the Shift parameter to determine if any keyboard keys were pressed, and you can use the X and Y parameters to get the coordinates of the mouse pointer.

    It’s important to note that, different components have different sets of mouse events, for example, a button component will have different set of mouse events than a form or a listbox. Also, you can use the Mouse property of the form to access the mouse events of the form, this gives you the ability to handle mouse events globally.

    Also, you should be careful when using mouse events, it’s important to make sure that the mouse events are handled correctly and in a timely manner, or it may cause performance issues.





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