To use the PayPal API in Delphi, you will need to obtain API credentials from PayPal and install the PayPal API SDK for Delphi.
To obtain API credentials, follow these steps:
- Log in to your PayPal account and go to the Developer Portal.
- Click on the “My Apps & Credentials” tab in the top menu.
- Under the “REST API apps” section, click on the “Create App” button.
- Enter a name for your app and click on the “Create” button.
- Once your app has been created, you will see your client ID and secret. Make a note of these, as you will need them later.
To install the PayPal API SDK for Delphi, follow these steps:
- Download the PayPal API SDK for Delphi from the following URL:
- Extract the downloaded archive to a folder on your computer.
- Open Delphi and create a new project.
- In the project options, go to the “Library” tab and click on the “Add” button.
- Navigate to the folder where you extracted the PayPal API SDK and select the “PayPalAPI.pas” file.
- Click on the “Open” button to add the PayPal API to your project.
With the PayPal API installed, you can now start using it in your Delphi code. Here is an example of how to use the API to make a payment:
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uses PayPalAPI; var API: TPayPalAPI; Payment: TPayment; begin API := TPayPalAPI.Create(‘client_id’, ‘client_secret’); try Payment := TPayment.Create; try Payment.intent := ‘sale’; Payment.payer.payment_method := ‘paypal’; := ‘1.00’; Payment.transactions[0].amount.currency := ‘USD’; Payment.transactions[0].description := ‘Test payment’; Payment.transactions[0].item_list.items.Add.quantity := ‘1’; Payment.transactions[0].item_list.items[0].name := ‘Test item’; Payment.transactions[0].item_list.items[0].price := ‘1.00’; Payment.transactions[0].item_list.items[0].currency := ‘USD’; Payment.redirect_urls.return_url := ‘http://localhost/return’; Payment.redirect_urls.cancel_url := ‘http://localhost/cancel’; Payment.Create(API); ShowMessage(‘Payment URL: ‘ + Payment.links[0].href); finally Payment.Free; end; finally API.Free; end; end; |
This code creates a payment object with the specified details and sends it to PayPal using the Create method. The resulting payment URL is then displayed to the user.
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