How can I use System.Beacon in Delphi

In Delphi, System.Beacon is a unit that provides support for beacon communication in your Delphi programs. You can use System.Beacon to perform tasks such as scanning for nearby beacon devices, connecting to beacon devices, and sending and receiving data over beacon.

To use System.Beacon in your Delphi program, you will need to include the unit in your program using the uses clause

Once you have included the System.Beacon unit in your program, you can use the classes and functions provided by the unit to access the beacon functionality of your device.

Here is an example of how to use System.Beacon to scan for nearby beacon devices and connect to one of them:

This example code performs the following tasks:

  1. Creates a TBeaconManager instance to manage the beacon functionality of the device.
  2. Gets the default beacon adapter using the CurrentAdapter property.
  3. Starts the discovery process using the StartDiscovery method, and waits for it to complete.
  4. Iterates through the list of discovered devices using the GetDiscoveredDevices method, and connects to the first device in the list using the Connect method.
  5. Sends a message to the device using the SendData method, and then disconnects from the device.

For more information about using System.Beacon in Delphi, you can consult the Delphi documentation or search online for examples and tutorials.






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