How can I use System.Devices in Delphi

The System.Devices unit in Delphi provides classes and functions for working with device-related information, such as device names, device paths, and device capabilities.

Here is an example of how you can use the TDeviceInfo class from the System.Devices unit to get information about a device

The TDeviceInfo class provides several properties that you can use to get information about a device, such as its name, device path, and device class.

To get the device information, you first need to create an instance of the TDeviceInfo class and then call the Update method. This will populate the properties of the TDeviceInfo instance with the current device information.

You can then access the properties of the TDeviceInfo instance to get the desired device information. In this example, we are using the Name, DevicePath, and DeviceClass properties to get the device name, device path, and device class, respectively.





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