How can I use TCalendar in Delphi?

TCalendar is a built-in component in Delphi that you can use to create a calendar in your Delphi projects. To use TCalendar in Delphi, you can follow these steps:

  1. Place a TCalendar component on your form, either from the component palette or by dragging it from the Tool Palette.
  2. Set the properties of the TCalendar component, such as the color, font, and size.
  3. Connect the TCalendar component to other components or events on your form, for example, you can connect it to a TLabel to display the selected date on the label.

Here is an example of how you can use TCalendar in Delphi:

In this example, the TCalendar component is named Calendar1 and the TLabel component is named Label1. The OnClick event of the Calendar is used to get the selected date and update the label’s caption with the selected date.

You can also use the OnDblClick event to perform an action when the user double-clicks on a date, or the OnChange event to perform an action when the user changes the current date.

You can also use the Date property of the TCalendar component to set or get the current date of the calendar. The Calendar1.Date property is of type TDate, which is a standard Delphi data type for date.

You can check the documentation and examples that come with Delphi for more information on how to use the TCalendar component and its properties and methods.






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