How can I use TTask in Delphi

In Delphi, you can use the TTask class to create and manage tasks. A task is a unit of work that is executed asynchronously and concurrently with other tasks. Tasks are useful for performing long-running or CPU-intensive operations, as they allow you to divide the work into smaller units and execute them concurrently, improving the performance of your application.

Here is an example of how to create and execute a task in Delphi

In the example above, the TWorkerTask class is derived from TTask and overrides the DoExecute method. The DoExecute method is where you put the code that you want to run in the task. The TTask.Create method creates a new task instance, and the Start method is called to start the task.

You can also use the WaitFor method to wait for the task to complete, or the Cancel method to cancel the task. For example







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