How can load a DLL dynamically at runtime in Delphi?

In Delphi, you can load a DLL dynamically at runtime using the LoadLibrary function from the Windows API. Here’s a simple example demonstrating how to load a DLL dynamically and call a function:

In this example:

  1. The LoadLibrary function is used to load the DLL dynamically. This function returns a handle to the loaded module (DLLHandle).
  2. The GetProcAddress function is used to obtain the address of the exported function (AddNumbers in this case). If the function is found, its address is assigned to the AddNumbersFunc variable.
  3. The AddNumbersFunc variable, when not nil, can be used like a regular Delphi function.
  4. Finally, the FreeLibrary function is called to unload the DLL when it’s no longer needed.

Make sure to handle potential errors, such as when the DLL cannot be loaded or when the function is not found, to ensure robustness in your application. Additionally, consider using exception handling to manage errors in a more controlled manner.






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