Delphi’s holy source of knowledge!

  • Create TTimer on run time in Delphi

    To create a TTimer at runtime in Delphi, you can use the following steps: Create a Form: Create a new VCL Forms Application in Delphi. Add a Button and a Timer: Drop a TButton and a TTimer component onto the form from the Tool Palette. Add Code to Create TTimer Dynamically: Add code to the…

  • Create TListview and TListItem on run time in Delphi

    In Delphi, you can create a TListView and add TListItem items at runtime using the following steps: Create a Form: Create a new VCL Forms Application in Delphi and drop a TListView component on the form. Add Code to Create TListView and TListItem Dynamically: You can use the following code in the form’s unit to…

  • How can I learn Delphi?

    Learning Delphi involves several steps, and there are various resources available to help you become proficient in this programming language. Here’s a structured guide to help you get started with learning Delphi: 1. Set Up Your Development Environment: Download and install the latest version of Delphi from the Embarcadero website ( Familiarize yourself with the…

  • Connect MySql, MsSQL and MongoDB with Delphi

    To connect to MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL), and MongoDB with Delphi, you can use different components or libraries that provide the necessary database connectivity. Delphi supports a variety of data access components for these databases. Below are examples for each database: Connecting to MySQL: For MySQL, you can use dbExpress components provided by Embarcadero.…

  • Examining File Signatures (Magic Numbers)

    File signatures are unique byte sequences at the beginning of a file that can help identify its type. You can read the first few bytes of a file and compare them with known signatures. function GetFileTypeBySignature(const FileName: string): string; var FileStream: TFileStream; Signature: array[0..1] of AnsiChar; begin Result := ‘Unknown File Type’; try FileStream :=…

  • What are the differences integer, cardinal, extended and int64 in Delphi?

    In Delphi, `Integer`, `Cardinal`, `Extended`, and `Int64` are different data types that represent integers or floating-point numbers with various ranges and precision. Here are the key differences between them: 1. **Integer:** – Represents signed 32-bit integers. – Range: -2147483648 to 2147483647. – Declaration: `Integer`. var MyInt: Integer;   2. **Cardinal:** – Represents unsigned 32-bit integers.…

  • How get current week count in Delphi?

    To get the current week count in Delphi, you can use the ISOWeek unit that provides functions for handling ISO 8601 week dates. Here’s an example: unit MainForm; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, ISOWeek; type TForm1 = class(TForm) procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private function GetCurrentWeekNumber: Integer; public { Public…

  • How do make login and register screen in Delphi?

    Creating a login and register screen in Delphi involves designing a user interface (UI) with components for input fields, buttons, and handling user interactions. Below is a simple example using the FireMonkey (FMX) framework in Delphi. Drop a TForm on your project. Add the necessary components such as TEdit for input fields, TButton for login…

  • How do detailed card list in listview in Delphi?

    To create a detailed card list in a TListView in Delphi, you can use the TListView component along with the TListViewItem and TListViewItemDetail components. Each TListViewItem represents a card in the list, and TListViewItemDetail components within each item can be used to display additional details. Here’s a basic example: Drop a TListView component onto your…

  • How can I draw text in screen in Delphi?

    In Delphi, you can draw text on the screen using the Canvas property of a visual control, such as a form or a custom-painted control. The Canvas property provides methods for drawing various shapes, including text. Here’s a simple example of how to draw text on a form in Delphi: unit MainForm; interface uses System.SysUtils,…