Tag: collision

  • How can I calculate collisions between 2 TModel3D in Delphi FMX

    To calculate collisions between two TModel3D components in Delphi FMX, you can use the intersection methods provided by the TModel3D class. Here’s an example of how you can use the IntersectsBox method to check for a collision between two models; if Model1.IntersectsBox(Model2) then begin //collision detected end; The IntersectsBox method returns True if the bounding…

  • How do I make multipoint collision in Delphi

    In Delphi, you can create multipoint collision detection by defining a data structure to represent each object that can collide with other objects, and then implementing an algorithm to check for collisions between pairs of objects. One approach to implementing multipoint collision detection is to use a polygon as the shape of each object, and…