Tag: registery

  • How can i receive notifications of registery changes in Delphi?

    In Delphi, you can use the Windows API function RegNotifyChangeKeyValue to receive notifications of changes to a specified registry key. Here is an example of how to use this function in Delphi: Declare the function in the implementation section of your unit: function RegNotifyChangeKeyValue(hKey: HKEY; bWatchSubtree: BOOL; dwNotifyFilter: DWORD; hEvent: THandle; fAsynchronous: BOOL): Longint; stdcall;…

  • How can i remove my application on startup in registery?

    To remove the application from the Windows registry, you can use the TRegistry class in Delphi and delete the key that you created earlier. Here are the steps in detail: In your Delphi project, add the “Registry” unit to the uses clause of your main form’s unit. In the FormClose event of your main form,…

  • How can i add my applicaion on computer start up in Delphi

    In Delphi, you can add your application to startup in several ways. One way is to create a Windows shortcut to your application and then add that shortcut to the Startup folder in the Start menu. Here are the steps in detail: Locate the executable file of your Delphi application. This is typically located in…