Understanding PCHAR in Delphi: A Comprehensive Guide

Delphi, with its roots tracing back to the Pascal language, offers powerful string handling capabilities. One fundamental type that plays a crucial role in string manipulation is PCHAR. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of PCHAR in Delphi, exploring its definition, usage, and examples.

What is PCHAR?

PCHAR is a pointer to a character in Delphi. It represents a null-terminated string, similar to the C-style strings, where the string’s end is marked by a null character (#0).

In Delphi, strings are traditionally managed by the String type, which is a dynamic array of characters. However, there are scenarios where dealing with null-terminated strings becomes necessary, especially when interfacing with APIs written in C or when dealing with memory directly.

Declaration and Initialization

To declare a variable of type PCHAR, you simply use the syntax:

Initialization of PCHAR can be done in various ways, such as:


Alternatively, you can allocate memory for PCHAR dynamically using GetMem or StrAlloc functions:

Remember to free the allocated memory using StrDispose when you’re done:

Manipulating PCHAR

Since PCHAR is a pointer, you can manipulate it directly using pointer arithmetic. However, Delphi provides several utility functions to work with PCHAR efficiently.


StrLen returns the length of a null-terminated string:


StrCopy and StrLCopy

StrCopy copies one null-terminated string to another, while StrLCopy limits the number of characters to copy:


StrCat and StrLCat

StrCat concatenates two null-terminated strings, while StrLCat limits the number of characters to concatenate:

Example: Interfacing with WinAPI

One common usage of PCHAR in Delphi is when interfacing with Windows API functions that expect null-terminated strings. Let’s consider an example of calling the MessageBox function:

And you can call this function like this:



In Delphi, PCHAR is a versatile type for dealing with null-terminated strings, offering direct memory manipulation capabilities. Whether interfacing with external libraries or optimizing memory usage, understanding PCHAR is essential for proficient Delphi programming. By leveraging the provided utility functions and proper memory management techniques, you can handle strings efficiently in your Delphi applications.

Remember to pay attention to memory allocation and deallocation to prevent memory leaks and ensure the stability and performance of your applications. With a solid understanding of PCHAR, you can confidently tackle a wide range of string manipulation tasks in Delphi.






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